The South Riding RV Travels


Tour 2 - Mill House, Streets of Yesteryear, Tribute to Nostalgia Museums

Tour 2 starts with a visit to the Streets of Yesteryear. This is much like the 'Shambles' in the Castle Museum,York except that it is supposed to portray the streets in the evening and is thus very dark. Not that you can tell as flash lights up the contents of the windows. They had some weird ideas on medicinal remedies in those days.
I said this was a bizarre set of collections so the next thing we found was a pair of whale eardrums. Interesting but it didn't quite follow...
The whole collection contains a huge number of dolls. Most of these appear in a later collection but it seems as though 'extras' can appear anywhere. That is in fact a major theme of the displays with odd 'samplers' appearing seemingly randomly.
Occasionally you find a historical piece such as you would expect to find in a museum, but it is an exception rather than a rule. I do like old grandfather clocks, I've just never had the space or money for one.
I'm told these are Faberge eggs or maybe imitations. There are several hundred in various displays, these are just in a 'shop' window..
More eggs and a very ornate porcelain urn, artistically very attractive and in another shop window. I guess this is a parade of shops for the extremely wealthy.
There are carriages and sleighs and this horseless carriage 'scattered' around the streets. A collection in their own right, they are too dispersed and have no identifying plaques. This is more a work of art than a museum.
An overall view of part of the street. This is very difficult to photograph because flash is useless and there is insufficient light even at 800 ASA.
At the end of the street is a fairground type organ called the 'Gladiator'. You can put tokens in to hear it, just as you can with many of the other musical exhibits.
It is full of fabulous detail and craftsmanship and makes a beautiful sound.
Round a bend into another darkened display. This has a couple of rather more ornate 'State' carriages but again no indication of what they are. They are almost fantasy vehicles and perhaps that is all they were ever meant to be.
A different set of memories appears with transport as the theme. Here we have a tin train but definitely a superior model, probably about 'S' gauge.
In England this would have been a collection of Dinky toys. The manufactures are different but they are all metal diecast models probably dating from the fifties and portraying even older vehicles. There are several cabinets of them.
They are all in pristine condition and some include their original boxes. Today they will be appreciating rapidly as an asset.
This is a small trailer to tow behind a car. I can only think that it was once an advertising vehicle for a circus or a zoo or something. This hall is only partially developed with displays (above) around the walls on a descending walkway and the floor covered in old vehicles awaiting display.
But what a weird collection of vehicles. There are at least half a dozen hearses, and others are 'spread' around the whole collection. The car in the foreground has what looks like a bath in the back, and another is covered in mosaic tiles.
There is the occasional recognisable car. I might guess this to be a Panhard but I'm no expert.
And in the middle of it all is this fairground-type attraction of indeterminable purpose. It looks as though it will work in due course but for the moment is just a 'work in progress!'
On to other collections of yesteryear like this collection of heads. There are similar collections of plates and jugs.
And along the way are metal castings, some quite complex and ornate
And in case you think we have forgotten the music automata, an odd example is snuck in when you aren't looking.
Don't ask! I have no idea. I think it is a power source for something, perhaps a taster for the organ room on tour 3. Perhaps it is just supposed to keep you guessing. This is a bit like Willie Wonka....
If it is art then I can appreciate this as art. There are dozens of dolls and dozens of oriental items to come - just a taster......